Interview with Blood Of Christ (from Issue #11)
Interview with Day Of Mourning/XCASX from Issue #11)
Interview with Bart of Intellektual Spew `Zine (from Issue #11)
Interview with Jungle Rot (from Issue #11)
Interview with Lucy Poems of Savior Sect (from Issue #12)
Interview with Solace (from Issue #11)
Interview with GODKILLSAMERICA (from Issue #12)
Interview with Gothic (from Issue #12)
Interview with Krabathor (from Issue #12)
Interview with Doug from Jaww (from Issue #12)
Interview with Lifeblind (from Issue #12)
Interview with Burt Beowulf of Satan's Candy Basket `Zine
(from Issue #12)
Interview with Unburied (from Issue #12)
Interview with Dementia (from Issue #13)
Interview with Jeff from Metal Rules! Magazine (from Issue #13)
Interview with Mike from Unbound Zine (from Issue #13)
Interview with Unhallowed (from Issue #13)
Interview with Paul Pfeiffer of Wadge (from Issue #13)
more to come soon......
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