I tell you, I've been discovering a whole lot of great new bands this issue. GKA impressed me so much that I fired off an interview as soon as I heard their music. Here's what Faz had to say….
So if GKA a completely different entity from CREED or is it just the original band with a new name?
F: Yes and no, basically. There are four of the original members of CREED (Rozz, Steve, Ron and Razz) plus myself. I joined around September `97 and the new music and lyrical approach has developed from there. The music of CREED sounded too much like other bands, in particular FEAR FACTORY, whereas the material now is more original and has more widespread influences.
F: We had to change our name for obvious reasons and needed to find something that caught everybody's eye. 'GODKILLSAMERICA' was originally a song title suggested to us by a friend, so we thought it'd be an excellent name for the band. Because it wasn't our idea, it can mean just about anything at all. It really depends how you look at it, but personally it seems to reflect how much of a strangle hold religion/T.V. evangelism has on the American people and it's country. Honestly, it's nothing personal, just a name-please no hate mail!!
In the bio, it says that "the GKA concept includes sound and visual imagery". I guess it's pretty obvious what you mean about the sound, but what do you offer in the way of visual imagery?
F: For a while now the GKA concept has looked towards the future in all aspects. Recently we have experimented with different strobe effects, smoke machines, etc. and we are currently looking into using neon tubing, arc lights, and maybe film projections. Anything is possible….
Are you heavily into religion? How much do your religious beliefs affect how you write your music?
F: Because of the name, a lot of people think we are either very religious or satanists! Well, I'm glad to say that none of us are religious at all and tend to disagree with organized religion as a whole. Seeing as we have few beliefs or opinions on the subject, we can hardly preach to our audience.
There are a lot of bands nowadays that incorporate a futuristic sound into their music. Why do you think that the cross between metal/hardcore and electronic works so well?
F: I think the straight forward answer is because someone wanted it to work. Lunatic or genius - you decide, but it works! Contrasting forms of music have usually fit well with each other, it just takes the skill of the musician to make it happen. Metal and techno, metal and jazz, metal and blues, etc., etc……all been done and in most cases performed well. I'm personally waiting for the next SPICE GIRLS/CRADLE OF FILTH release! Should be a corker….
What do you think the world's going to be like in twenty years?
F: Five fifty year old blokes in a band called GKA still trying to break into the record market with annoying mobile phones. All eagerly awaiting the first SPICE GIRLS/CRADLE OF FILTH release! As for the rest of the world - pretty much the same old shite we have today, only moreso.
Are you into music like techno (ie. gabber, jungle, etc.)? Do you think you'll add more of this style to your sound in the future?
F: Yeah, a few of us like THE PRODIGY, CHEMICAL BROTHERS, LUNATIC CALM type stuff, maybe not so much gabber or jungle, not that bloody racket that GOLDIE comes out with! Again, anything is a possibility. It's not something we consciously think about. Quite often a piece just calls for a techno/dance beat and slots into place. We have been called 'Techno Coated Hardcore' before now, so I suppose it's true.
What do you think it is about the music of GKA that makes you stand out from all other bands in the underground?
F: I think that if you listen to the EP, yes, you can see a lot of influence in there but also a direction that not a lot of hardcore bands have, in the way of a female vocalist for one of the songs. It's been done before, I know, but maybe not in this way. `Angels All Fire' has a very gothic/doom influence to it so if you put all those aspects together, you have something quite unique for a primarily hardcore band.
What's the stupidest thing that anyone has ever said about GKA? What was the best compliment?
F: Good question! But to be honest, no one has ever asked us anything stupid or come out with an insane comment about us. Maybe we're more normal than we thought. There have been a few reviews that have likened us to bands that have no real influence to us. Also a mate of mine once told me we sound just like THE PRODIGY! Make of that what you will! One of the best compliments was from Terrorizer Mag who just gave us so much praise in a recent review which did us a whole lot of good.
What has been the highlight of being in GKA so far?
F: I think the highlight for us all so far was going over to Belgium last year to play a festival. We were on 3rd from top of the bill with AGATHOCLES and HARD RESISTANCE. What a cool week that was.
I'm surprised you guys didn't decide to go the Beatles route with your music. Or Maybe Oasis. Isn't that all that comes out of England these days?
F: That could be a good idea - a hardcore version of Strawberry Fields! You're pretty much there though, the music industry in the U.K. sucks. There are loads of good bands that have to settle for smaller and often unstable labels that have little to offer because the bigger labels just don't acknowledge the U.K. As for the indie scene - well I'm just glad that all that is dying a death over here now.
When will you be releasing something new? What will the next release be called?
F: I'm not really sure of when there will be a new release as the EP has only been out about six months and cost a small fortune to produce. Hopefully funds will come in from elsewhere soon, which would inevitably lead to an album. Hello record company bosses!!
Any idea for new song titles or what they might deal with?
F: We have a few ideas at the moment. Two recent songs are to be entitled `B-Movie' and `Censored' with a third, `Trigger Happy' being worked on at the moment. I think all three song titles are pretty much self explanatory.
Have any labels expressed interest in signing you? Any particular label you'd like to sign with? Why?
F: We've had a good response from quite a few labels, including CENTURY MEDIA, MUSIC FOR NATIONS, NOISE, BLACKENED, and VISIBLE NOISE, but there's nothing definite yet. We're set for some showcase gigs in London for the respective companies, so we should know more within the next few months. I don't really think we'd mind which label we got, so long as it was good, established and had a good reputation. Obviously getting screwed by cowboys isn't our aim.
Two bands you'd most like to play a show with?
F: I'm really into anything that Devin Townsend does at the moment so I guess `OCEAN MACHINE' or his `INFINITY' stuff. Also, I saw SPINESHANK recently - amazing band. Either of those two would do nicely.
Any bands from your area (or elsewhere) you'd really like to recommend readers checking out?
F: One local band in particular I always recommend are called BINARY. These guys knock out a cool mix of the lighter side of hardcore with big influences from bands like PEARL JAM and TOOL. If you're into anything like this, then I urge you to get in contact.
What do you have available in the way of merchandise?
F: At the moment we are doing a nice line of lovely T-shirts. All of them are made individually and can have any lettering you wish. Just recently I've had requests for `GKA Groupie' and `GKA Floozie' skinny tops for women. They're also quite cheap to buy, so if anyone's interested, I can send some examples through to them - just write!
What do you foresee in the future for GKA?
F: Like most bands foresee themselves - the getting signed, gigs with major bands, tours, headaches - all the usual rock `n' roll lifestyle, you know. Of course we do what we do to get signed. None of us would be in a band if not. The main thing for us is just to take the band and it's music as far as we can. If we get signed and make a few bucks along the way, well that's a bonus.
Any final comments/rants?
F: Fans of good music check out our `Of The Facereel' Ep! Keep the underground scene alive and make sure you keep Jim in bread and milk (listen to the man -ed) so he can continue writing this very nice mag! Also check out Lifeblind `Zine from my address. Everybody write now! Cheers for the space in your `zine Jim. Keep it corrosive!!!
GKA c/o 7 Monks Walk, Pentwortham, Preston, Lancs, PR1 OAQ, U.K.